Friday March 9, 2018

BronyCon Adds Jay Fosgitt and Opens Artist Alley Applications
Another announcement for BronyCon this year! Jay Fosgitt will be attending, and artist alley applications have opened for anyone interested in selling their stuff.

Head on down below the break for the presser.


Thursday March 8, 2018

Eastern-Influenced Epic Orchestral Music: Frozen Night - Dragonfire
Frozen Night's orchestral works are easily some of my favourite in the fandom, and I especially enjoy it when he branches out into interesting directions with it. That's exactly what's been done here, with some lovely use of eastern-influenced sounds to create a bit of a different atmosphere to his usual works. The second half of the track is a little more conventional, but is suitably epic as it rises to a fantastic crescendo. Check it out below the break!
Discussion: What Side Pony Do you Want to Meet the Parents of Next?
The mane 6 families are done and explained at this point. We finally saw the last of them in season 7. With an upcoming episode targeting another pair of ponies (spoiler link), it looks like familial relations will continue onward into the 8th. Many a background horse and side pony hasn't yet shown us their home life!

So, who's it going to be? Should Celestia and Luna reminisce about their childhood and whatever pair of ponies (if they are even ponies) popped them out over a thousand years ago? Or maybe we need to meet Discords parents, and find out what caused him to be so loopy? What do you think your choice's parents will act like?

Pick your pone for some parent episoding below!

Monday March 5, 2018

Nightly Discussion #1369

Aww, this little Sunset is just adorable! Got to say the more and more I see of Sunset the more I like her.

Evening my friends! Ready to chat?

New EqD Commenting Rules
Being Juniper Montage

[Drama][Slice of Life]

Author: Bookish Delight
Mere weeks ago, Juniper Montage was a spiteful girl, a thief, and even—for a short time—a magical menace. However, Starlight Glimmer and the Rainbooms managed to reach her, and extend the hands of forgiveness and friendship. Juniper has been grateful for the second chance ever since, and eager to show that she can be a good friend herself.
While touring Canterlot High School with Twilight Sparkle, she comes across two girls in dire cinematic straits. Juniper knows she can help, so she decides to step in. However, in the midst of her attempt, her past—all of her past—returns to haunt her, and her self-esteem pays the price.
Now Juniper must discover for herself what it truly means to be a friend, while also fighting an angry, fearful voice in the back of her mind that continues to insist that she's not worth anyone's friendship... and keeps getting louder.

Being Juniper Montage

Additional Tags: Ms. Montage's Second Wild Ride
Morning Discussion #1146

A lot of Fightin' Herds artwork coming out of my pony artists as of late, so why not feature at least one for an MD? Have any of you played it yet?

Morning guys! Ready to chat?

Monday March 5, 2018

Epic Orchestral Music: Jyc Row & Felicia Farerre - Night Queen

Late last year Jyc Row released arguably one of his biggest and best tracks yet, Sun Of The Night, with professional vocalist Felicia Farerre (who has worked on releases with Two Steps From Hell). Now, he's worked with her again on a companion piece about Nightmare Moon! The instrumentation, especially the choirs, are powerful and epic the whole way through, with some lovely vocals as well. Check it out below!
Season 8 Revealed
It's that time again where you can have your say in the best pony songs and videos of the last month! I always enjoy seeing what everybody liked, and it's always great to get involved and share your thoughts. Check out both voting videos below the break!
Test Post 2

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